What are hemorrhoids? Causes, Treatment and home remedies

Hemorrhoids are swollen veins located around the anus or in the lower rectum. About 50 percent of adults experienced the symptoms of hemorrhoids by the age of 50.

Hemorrhoids can either be internal or external. Internal hemorrhoids develop within the anus or rectum. External hemorrhoids develop outside of the anus. Hemorrhoids are also known as piles.

External hemorrhoids are the most common and most troublesome. Hemorrhoids cause pain, severe itching, and difficulty sitting. Fortunately, they are treatable.

What are the symptoms of hemorrhoids?

Symptoms of hemorrhoids include:

extreme itching around the anus
irritation and pain around the anus
itchy or painful lump or swelling near your anus
fecal leakage
painful bowel movements
blood on your tissueafter having a bowel movement
Although hemorrhoids are painful, they aren’t life-threatening and often go away on their own without treatment. If you have them often, you may develop symptoms of anemia, such as weakness and pale skin due to blood loss, though this is rare.

What causes hemorrhoids?

Experts aren’t sure what causes hemorrhoids to develop. Possible factors include:

straining during a bowel movement
complications from chronic constipation
sitting for a long period of time, especially on the toilet
a family history of hemorrhoids
Risk factors

Hemorrhoids can be passed on genetically from parent to child, so if your parents had hemorrhoids, you’re more likely to get them. Consistent heavy lifting, being obese, or having other constant strain on your body can increase your risk of hemorrhoids.

Standing too much without taking a break to sit can cause hemorrhoids to develop. Consistent anal sexual intercourse and diarrhea can also increase your risk of hemorrhoids.

You’re also more likely to develop hemorrhoids if you’re pregnant. When the uterus enlarges, it presses on the vein in the colon, causing it to bulge.

How are hemorrhoids diagnosed?

A visual examination of your anus may be enough to diagnose hemorrhoids. To confirm the diagnosis, your doctor may do a different examination to check for any abnormalities within the anus. This check is known as a digital rectal exam. During this exam, your doctor inserts a gloved and lubricated finger into your rectum. If they feel anything abnormal, they may order an additional test called a sigmoidoscopy.

A sigmoidoscopy involves your doctor using a small camera to diagnose an internal hemorrhoid. This small fiber-optic camera, called a sigmoidoscope, fits into a small tube and then inserts into your rectum. From this test, your doctor gets a clear view of the inside of your rectum so that they can examine the hemorrhoid up close.

What are the treatment options for hemorrhoids?

Treatment for hemorrhoids can occur at home or at a doctor’s office.

Pain relief

To minimize pain, soak in a warm tub of water for at least 10 minutes every day. You can also sit on a warm water bottle to relieve the pain of external hemorrhoids. If the pain is unbearable, use an over-the-counter medicated suppository, ointment, or cream to relieve the burning and itching.

Fiber supplements

If you’re constipated, you can also use an over-the-counter fiber supplement to help soften your stool. Two common supplements of this type are psyllium and methylcellulose.

Home remedies

Over-the-counter topical treatments, such as hydrocortisone or hemorrhoid cream, can ease your discomfort from hemorrhoids. Soaking your anus in a sitz bath for 10 to 15 minutes per day can also help.

Practice good hygiene by cleaning your anus with warm water during a shower or bath every day. But don’t use soap, as soap can aggravate hemorrhoids. Also avoid using dry or rough toilet paper when you wipe after a bowel movement.

Using a cold compress on your anus can help reduce hemorrhoid swelling. Pain relievers, such as acetaminophen, ibuprofen, or aspirin can also alleviate the pain or discomfort.

Medical procedures

If home treatments aren’t helping with your hemorrhoids, your doctor might recommend getting a rubber band ligation. This procedure involves the doctor cutting off the circulation of the hemorrhoid by placing a rubber band around it. This causes loss of circulation to the hemorrhoid, forcing it to shrink. This procedure should only be performed by a medical professional. Do not try this at home.

If rubber band ligation isn’t an option in your case, your doctor may perform injection therapy, or sclerotherapy. In this procedure, your doctor injects a chemical into the blood vessel directly. This causes the hemorrhoid to reduce in size.


To prevent or avoid worsening hemorrhoids, avoid straining during a bowel movement. Also, try to increase your water intake. Drinking enough water can keep your stool from hardening.

Use the restroom as soon as you feel a bowel movement coming on to prevent hemorrhoids from developing. Exercise regularly to prevent becoming constipated, and don’t sit for long periods, especially on hard surfaces like concrete or tile.

Consuming foods that are high in dietary fiber can minimize the risk of developing hemorrhoids in the future.

Good dietary fiber sources include:

whole wheat
brown rice
Dietary fiber helps create bulk in the intestines, which softens the stool, making it easier to pass.

What are the complications associated with hemorrhoids?

Complications from hemorrhoids are rare, but can include:

blood clotsin the swollen vein
iron deficie 


When it comes to our pubic area, well, it’s private and personal and can be embarrassing to talk about, but let’s be honest. We all have one down there, so we might as well share our knowledge and help each other out.

Let’s take for instance, the common problem of dark skin in the pubic area. Some people, especially women, want to get rid of the uneven skin tone between their legs. Can it be done naturally and achieved safely?

6 Ways to Lighten Up Your Dark Private Skin Naturally!

Yes and yes!

First, let’s look at the science behind this skin condition. According to the American Academy of Dermatology, it has a medical name, acanthosis nigricans (AN). Besides the groin area, the darker skin can also develop on the neck and armpits. The discoloration can create thicker skin with a smooth, almost velvety touch. A dermatologist can best determine through a physical exam and medical history if the condition is serious. In the majority of cases, it affects healthy people who are most commonly of African descent.
You can be born with AN, or develop it from having diabetes, obesity or a glandular disorder. Experts have found that even certain medicines like oral contraceptives can also cause AN to occur on one’s private parts. There is no shame, because AN affects a lot of people, but most are afraid to mention it.
Below are a few suggestions that use natural skin care therapies to lighten the dark pubic skin area. The best way to try these remedies is by setting aside time to lie down, so the formulas you apply stay put on the groin or pubic area.

Lemons. Citric juice isn’t just for summer blonde highlights, because it provides lots of health benefits with its strong Vitamin C base. Take some juice from a lemon and massage it onto the discolored area. Leave it on for about 10 minutes and then wash off with warm water. Within a month or two, you should notice a more even pubic skin tone. Don’t shave near the pubic area right before applying lemon juice, because it stings.

Sandalwood and Rose Water. You can buy these at health food or Indian grocery stores. Mix a spoonful of sandalwood powder with 10 drops of rose water. Apply over the pubic area after your bath and leave it on for 20 minutes. Then rinse off. Sandalwood powder has been used for generations to lighten and soften the skin. Hydrating rose water also lightens. Apply this combination three times a week.

Aloe Vera Gel If you don’t have an aloe plant to squeeze aloe from the leaves, then buy 100% pure aloe vera gel from the drugstore. Massage the aloe on to the pubic area and allow to sit for about 20 minutes. Then wash it off with warm water. This is okay to use after each bath. Aloe vera has been used for years to fade discoloration.

Plain Yogurt. Forget the sweeter ones with the fruit on the bottom. You need plain yogurt which offers amazing lightening benefits. Plus, it feels cool and soothing. Massage some yogurt on the dark areas of your pubic skin and leave it on for 15 minutes. Then wash off with warm water. Do this daily for several weeks until you see results.

Orange Juice and Turmeric. For years, Indian women have benefited from the incredible power of turmeric powder, because it effectively lightens skin. Oranges like lemons, contain natural bleaching agents. Turmeric stains fabric, so be careful it doesn’t fall on your favorite clothing. Combine two tablespoons of orange juice and a pinch of turmeric. Apply to pubic area daily and leave on for 20 minutes. Then wash it off.

Gram Flour. The Southeast Asian staple is made from ground chickpeas and happens to be a super exfoliator and skin lightener. Make a thick paste by adding a little water and apply to the pubic area. Allow it to dry and then wash off with water. You can do this three times a week.
When you’re applying products to the sensitive pubic region

or groin, chemicals can cause irritation and other problems. That’s why natural solutions that have been used for generations in different cultures are the best methods to try. Be patient. Lightening up dark pubic skin can be achieved, and results will appear gradually.

How to Remove Dry And Dark Skin On Your Neck, Elbows, Knees And Underarms ???

Many people in the world are ashamed from their dark skin patched on the elbows, knees, underarm and neck as well. The reasons for having dark skin patches around the neck are the skin pigmentation issue known as acanthosis nigricans, maturing and exposure to sun. There are no oil organs in these territories, so this part of skin has a tendency to be more dried. Of course, if you do not take care about these parts of skin, skin on knees and elbows are much darker than other part of skin.

Underarms may be dark because of using bad quality of antiperspirants or shaving. Awareness about your dark underarms, make you embarrassing to raise hands. That makes it necessary to be very careful before using any kind of cosmetic, even if they smell so good. Many remedies can resolve these problems, so this article will present you the best.

Best natural remedies for the dark skin on your neck:

Baking soda:
Baking soda is remarkable skin exfoliant. It clean skin and gradually wipe out dark freckles. Baking soda and water mixed together are very successful in eradication of hyper-pigmentation around the neck.

– Make a mixture between three sections of baking soda and one part of water.
– Apply the mixture on the neck and leave it to dry.
– Let it to stay few minutes and wash it off.
– Repeat this procedure 2 times every week.


– Crystalline compound, catecholase in potatoes has capacities that help to lighten skin on the neck.
– Put grinded potatoes or potato juice all around your neck. Leave it to stay for 15 minutes and after that wash your neck with icy water.

Another solution:

Mix together lemon juice and potato juice and apply it on the wanted part of skin. Let it to stay 10 to 15 minutes and thereafter wash it off with chilly water. Do this every day till you get positive results. This cure can also be used for deleting dark spots from acne scars.
Aloe Vera:
We all know that aloe vera nourishes and saturates the skin and it acts like powerful skin lightener. You should also know that it will decrease the appearance of many different skin dots and spots and it will make your skin lighter. Actually, this powerful plant will repair your entire skin and will repair the old and deliver a new skin cells.
All you have to do is apply some aloe vera gel around your neck and let it on for 20 minutes. Then, you need to wash it off.
Repeat this aloe vera method every day, and you will be amazed by the results.

Best natural remedies for dark elbows and knees:


Milk contains vitamins and fatty acids that are exceptionally successful in helping the dark skin under arms. At the point when blended with curd, the lactic acid too do ponders for brightening your dark underarm.

Necessary ingredients:

– Two tablespoons of milk.
– One tablespoon of curd.
– One tablespoon of flour.

Preparation: Blend milk, curd and flour to get a paste. Apply to your underarms and let it to stay for 15 minutes. Wash off with water.


Lemon has normal peeling properties. Likewise, it is rich in vitamin C that helps evacuate dead cells and help skin tone. It can likewise stimulate regeneration of healthy skin cells.
Apply lemon juice on your elbows and knees and rub delicately for a couple of minutes. Leave it to stay for around 20 minutes. Wash it off with warm water and apply a saturating cream.
You can also take out the juice of one lemon and blend it with one tablespoon of honey. The procedure is the same as in lemon juice.


To help the skin tone of your knees and elbows, you can use a homemade sugar scrub. It can peel dead skin cells.
Blend equal measures of sugar and olive oil till you get thick paste. Rub it in for 5 minutes (with round movements). Wash it off with a mellow cleanser and warm water. You have to do this once a day ever day until the skin around your knees and elbows get lighter color.

Both almonds and almond oil are useful for your skin. Almonds are rich in skin-nourishing properties that can help keep up an even skin tone and keep your skin healthy.
Rub the influenced zones with warm almond oil for around 5 minutes day by day before going to bed. After a couple of days, you will notice change.
Then again, blend 1 to 2 tablespoons of coarsely powdered almonds with a little yogurt to make thick paste. Put it on the elbows and knees. Let it to dry, then with wet fingers rub in round movements. Wash it off with icy water. Do this once or twice every day for a couple of weeks, in order to get the desired results.

Home remedies for dark underarms:

Use cucumbers:

The cucumber has skin lightening properties. You can also use the properties of lemon and you can do as such by mixing lemon juice with cucumber. While lemon attempts to whiten your skin, cucumber relieves the skin avoiding any tingling or disturbance.

Blend cucumber juice with lime juice and turmeric juice. As lemon destroys dead cells, cucumber gives cooling impact and turmeric eliminates stains, the combination of these three ingredients will give you a really amazing remedy.
You can just cut roundels of cucumber and rub your underarms with it.
Then again apply the juice of cucumber to your dark underarm. This can also help your skin in couple of days.

Make chickpea flour mask:
This home remedy is also extremely efficient for whitening your underarms.

Necessary ingredients:

– One tablespoon of lemon juice
– Two tablespoons of chickpea flour
– One tablespoon of yogurt
– One pinch of turmeric


Just mix all the ingredients and stir until you get nice and homogenous mixture.
You need to apply this mixture on the affected area and leave it on for 1 hour. After that you need to wash it off with water.
This extremely powerful and effective mask gives you a lighter color of your underarm skin. Use this remedy every day for the first two weeks in order to get the desired results and after that period, use it twice a week.


All of us want to have clear skin, but the small parasites known as blackheads are here to make the things harder. Blackheads are the bumps which are the typical findings in acne.
They are blocked skin pores due to excess oil, produced by the sebaceous glands (oil glands). When the oil secreting glands of your skin creates excess oil, it leads the pores to get

expanded and thickened where the oil gets stored and hardens gradually.

Excess oil is often developed as a result of hormonal changes such as teenage years, during pregnancy, menstruation, menopause and of course if we eat a lot of fried foods and use low quality oil based cosmetics!

Both whiteheads and blackheads around nose along with other parts of the face can be treated and cured by using over-the-counter products as well as home remedies using all-natural ingredients.

So prepare yourself to get rid of blackheads instantly using these natural home remedies, because they are quite effective for men, women and teens.

The Unbelievable Anti-Cancer Effects of Lemongrass Essential Oil

Studies show that a particular essential oil may provide a solid defense against various cancers. This essential oil, which contains high levels of an aromatic terpene known as linalool, has been utilized throughout history in the treatment of various health conditions. What’s even more exciting is that some of the latest science suggests that it’s at least as effective as chemotherapy in targeting cancer cells – without the harmful toxic effects of chemotherapy.

Long prized for its aroma-therapeutic qualities, lemongrass is loaded with key nutrient compounds that present powerful antibacterial, anti-fungal, anti-inflammatory, and anti-cancer potential. A 2011 study published in the Journal of Advanced Pharmaceutical Technology & Research outlines the dozens of unique phytoconstituents present in lemongrass, including a diverse array of terpenes, ketones, esters, flavonoids, and phenolic compounds.

The Long List of Health Benefits of Lemongrass Essential Oil

The paper also highlights the many scientifically-confirmed benefits of lemongrass, including its ability to destroy harmful pathogens, promote healthy stools, inhibit damaging fungi, reduce inflammation, protect against DNA damage, guard against malaria, neutralize damaging free radicals, balance cholesterol levels, modulate healthy sleep patterns, and so much more.

“Studies indicate that Cymbopogon citratus (a variety of lemongrass) possesses various pharmacological activities such as anti-amoebic, antibacterial, antidiarrheal, antifilarial, antifungal and anti-inflammatory properties,” reported the authors. “Various other effects such as antimalarial, antimutagenicity, antimycobacterial, antioxidants, hypoglycemic, and neurobehavioral have also been studied.”

Lemongrass Fights More than a Dozen Different Types of Cancers

But where lemongrass really seems to shine, particularly in light of the growing cancer epidemic, is in its ability to destroy cancer cells. A 2009 study published in the journal Chemico-Biological Interactions revealed that lemongrass essential oil is effective in targeting at least 12 different human cancer cell lines. Animal trials show that direct injection of lemongrass essential oil inhibits cancer tumors in a dose-dependent way, meaning the higher the dose of the oil, the better the outcome.

When administered at a dosage of 200 milligrams per kilogram (mg/kg) concentration, lemongrass essential oil was shown to inhibit both ascitic (in the fluid of the abdominal cavity) and solid tumors of Ehrlich Ascites (a type of tumor cell line) by 97.34 percent and 57.83 percent, respectively. For Sarcoma-180 tumor cells, the same dosage resulted in ascitic and solid tumor inhibition of 94.07 percent and 36.97 percent, respectively.

Can Lemongrass Essential Oil Stop the Spread of Cervical Cancer?

A more recent study published in the journal Pharmacognosy Communications reveals that lemongrass is also effective against cervical cancer. Researchers found that lemongrass not only stops cervical cancer cells (as well as several other types of cancer cells) from spreading, but it also initiates cancer cell apoptosis, also known as programmed cell death.

“All the results suggest lemongrass oil … could be considered as (a) potent [candidate] for anticancer agents,” the authors wrote.