10 Fitness Tips For Women

Men and women are different, that’s just a fact.  Their bodies are built much differently, which means that certain exercises that are conducive for men may not be so conducive for women.

Unfortunately, for many women heading to their local gyms, the misconception is that their workouts should mirror the same workouts that some of the men are doing.

While this is not to say that they couldn’t do these exercises, or shouldn’t be doing these exercises, there are just some things that will be more beneficial for women.

In this article we’ll explore some fitness tips for women that will hopefully shed some light on this topic, as well as providing useful tips that can be implemented today.

1) Don’t Follow Someone Else’s Routine

This is perhaps one of the most dangerous things that anyone can do starting an exercise program, not just women. What works for some people may not work for other people,  and while there is a possibility that you can just follow someone else’s routine and have success with it, this is just not the case all the time.

Our bodies are built differently from one another, and exercises that someone else may be doing may not be the kinds of exercises that we need to do.   As mentioned earlier, men and women differ greatly, so following the traditional weight resistance exercise plan that a man would follow, just may not be conducive for women.

2) Do What You Enjoy

There are some people in this world you can just give something to, and watch them run with it. There are some people who you can just tell to run on a treadmill or lift some weights and they will do it without asking any questions.

However this seems to be the minority and not the majority.  One of the things that you may find as a woman, is that there are certain exercises and such that you enjoy.

You may not be someone that likes to exercise in a group, so you may opt for walking on your own.  On the flipside of this you may find that you enjoy hanging out with your friends, so you may want to participate in a group exercise class.

The real key here is to do something that you enjoy. The reason you want to do this is that by doing what you enjoy, the chances that you will stick with it will greatly increase.

3) Stop Listening To The Cats

There is a term that some women can be catty.  This is when some are deliberately mean or hurtful.   It’s not fun to be on the receiving end of this, And what you will find is that the type of people who are saying such things are usually jealous of the other person.

If there are people in your life who tend to be catty as you embark on your fitness adventure,  then do yourself a favor and stop listening to them.  These individuals are really just jealous of what you’re trying to achieve and you will be better served by not listening to them.

Surround your self with good people who will encourage you along the way, and get yourself away from listening to the cats.

4) Do What’s Comfortable For You

If we are not comfortable then there’s a chance that we will stop doing something. When it comes to an exercise and fitness program, you want to ensure that what you’re doing is comfortable for you. If it isn’t, then you will need to find something else to do.

While you may be focused and driven to lose that weight, you shouldn’t do so at the expense of your personal feelings.   There are many great fitness programs out there that you can do at home in the privacy of your own house.   Think about what you’re comfortable with and craft your fitness program around that.

5) Stop Comparing

We are big believers that weight loss starts in your head. If you are in the wrong frame of mind, then losing weight will be a difficult thing to try to do.   And oftentimes you’ll see it more as an ordeal rather than a journey to be enjoyed.

There may be someone in your life that is well ahead of you as far as their fitness levels.  There may also be some people that you see at the gym who are in tremendous shape, however the one thing that you need to keep in mind is that all of these people were at the starting line at some point.

They weren’t always as fit as they are when you see them today.   When you’re able to keep this in mind, It will be easy to stop the comparisons and easier to stop being so hard on yourself.

6) Stay In Your Lane

What runs directly alongside comparing yourself to others, is staying in your own lane.  What we mean by this is that you need to realize what your limitations are.   When you see someone running for an hour on the treadmill, and you have not went for a jog in over 10 years, then it would be unrealistic for you to think that you could do the same thing.

When you’re first starting out your exercise and fitness program, make sure that you are staying in your own lane and not trying to jump over into the next one.  This is not only dangerous for you physically, but it can also be dangerous for you mentally as well.

7) Get Your Family Involved

If you are married or have kids, then it’ll be a great idea to get the whole family involved.   Fitness and exercise can be something that the entire family can enjoy, and often times it becomes a time for family bonding as well as a time to get in shape.

If you are married then you may want to think about asking your spouse if they would like to join you at the gym or go for an evening jog.  If you have kids then it would be a great time to get involved in their lives, spend some quality time together and get some playtime in.

You really cannot go wrong when you get your family involved in your fitness and exercise activities.  Not only will this be a great way to spend some quality time together, but it is also a great way for you to build a support team right at home.   This also helps you to stay accountable to actually exercising and staying in shape.

8) Find A Friend

Another thing that you can do to help you to stay on track with your exercise and fitness activities is to find a friend with the same goals in mind.  If you can find someone who is trying to lose weight as well, you’ll be able to find somebody you can work out with and can encourage you along the way.

When we set out to accomplish big goals like losing weight, the journey can get a little tiresome.  It can get difficult at times and the want to give up becomes extremely strong.   When you have someone there who is going through the journey alongside you such as a close friend,  you can lean on one another during these rough times and help to encourage one another.

It gives you a great outlet to talk to somebody when you’re struggling to stay on the straight and narrow with your fitness and exercise program.   What would be even better is if you could get a group of friends together and create a support network outside of your home,  to help achieve your fitness goals.

9) Check Out An All Women’s Facility

If you know for fact that you want to work out inside of a gym to use machines such as a treadmill or weight resistance machines, but don’t feel comfortable being around different types of people, then you may want to check on a facility geared towards women.

A facility such as this understands what your needs and wants and fears are when it comes to losing weight.   With this in mind they can create an environment where you can exercise and get in shape,  while still remaining as comfortable as possible.

If you’re someone who is uncomfortable around the opposite sex when it comes to exercising and fitness, then a facility like this would be an ideal place to work out.

You can check out the facilities in your area online to see what sorts of things they offer, as far as programs and membership packages.  There are some nationally recognized facilities that can be found in most areas, all you need to do is your own research to find them.

10) Set Your Goals

If you already have in mind a certain amount of weight that you want to lose, or if there is a fitness level that you would like to achieve, then what you have to do first is to start setting some concrete goals.

If you don’t know where you want to go, how do you expect to get there?

If you haven’t already done so, we encourage you to sit down and really think about what it is you want to achieve when it comes to your fitness goals.  Do you want to lose a certain amount of weight?  Do you want to run in the next marathon?  Are you just looking to increase your energy and get into better shape?

These are all things that you want to start thinking about before you embark on your fitness and exercise journey.  You really need to think about where you want to go and be able to visualize the kind of body you would like to have.   Armed with these things in mind, and some realistic goals set in place, you will then be able to figure out how you will get there.

What Now?

Where you go from here is really up to you. What you can start to do is talk to some friends to see if they have had the same thoughts as you as getting in shape in this new year.

You can also start to talk to family member such as your children, some of your siblings, or even your parents.  When you can set some fitness goals as a family, You can make it a family affair in losing that weight.

When you’re able to do these sorts of things as a family, great things can start to happen.   You will start to set the standard high for your children and the next generations to come,  so that you can avoid some of the illnesses that come about with obesity.

We highly recommend that you start with setting some goals for your fitness and exercise requirements.  Whether these goals involve you personally, or others such as friends and family, it’s vital that you start putting these goals down to see what you need to do in order to get there.

You can also start to take into account the other responsibilities that you have such as work, hobbies or even other activities that you are involved in.  When you’re able to take a look at such areas, then you will be able to start to set some pretty realistic goals that you want to achieve when it comes to getting into shape.

It’s a new year, and with it comes great expectations that you have not only for yourself and other areas of your life, but also for your health.   We applaud your efforts to want to get into shape and hope that the tips and strategies that we can share with you, will ultimately help you to reach your weight loss and fitness goals.

While losing weight may not be the easiest thing to do, it is definitely one of the most rewarding things that you can accomplish.