5 Unexpected Reasons You’re Gaining Weight

The feeling of adding a few more pounds or not being able to fit into your clothes can be very frustrating. However, many of us are not aware that this can be caused by various factors. Having that in mind, our bodies react to the factors that are beyond our control.


Excessive use of antidepressants can result in undesired weight gain. Hence, you can expect to gain 3-8 kilos over time. If you’re not using any depression medication, then the depression itself is the reason behind the extra weight. Moreover, the loneliness and dejection people experience may contribute to the weight gain as a result of excessive consumption of unhealthy, calorie-rich foods or physical inactivity.


Too much medication can also result in weight gain, such as hormonal drugs, contraceptive pills, steroid drugs, blood pressure or beta blockers, migraine and arthritis medication.

Slow Metabolism

If you’ve slow metabolism, it would be great if you feel the urge to relieve yourself an hour or two after a meal. It’s even better if you’ve stool 1-2 times a day. If your stool is inconsistent, then medications, dehydration, lack of nutritive fibers, or your gut flora could be responsible for your weight gain.

Lack of Nutrients

Deficiency of nutrients such as magnesium, iron, and vitamin D, can lead to unusual weight gain, as it undermines your immune system, limits your energy, and decelerates the metabolism.

Getting Old

The metabolism slows down as one advances in age. Likewise, you can’t burn the same amount of calories at the age of 50 as efficiently as you would have done it at the age of 20. For this reason, you should consider cutting down your daily amount of food, and exercise more.