Grow Back Your Receding Gums With The Help Of These Natural Remedies

Receding gums occur when the gum tissues around the teeth wear away, making the gums to recede backwards and expose a large surface area of your tooth. This can result in problems such as tooth pain, sensitivity, and bacteria build up. You can even end up losing your teeth. Fortunately, there are a number of natural remedies that can help restore the receding gums within only a few weeks.

Symptoms of Receding Gums

Here are some of the common symptoms of receding gums:

  • Tooth sensitivity
  • Tooth aches or pain
  • Tooth appearing unusually larger

What Causes Receding Gums?

• Gum diseases  such as periodontal disease, where bacteria damage your gum tissue, as well as your teeth’s supporting bone, leading to gum recession, among other complications.

 Genetics:  If receding gums are prevalent in your family’s lineage, it could be a genetic problem.

• Rough tooth brushing: Brushing too aggressively will wear away your teeth enamel, leading to receding gums.

• Poor dental hygiene:Failure to brush and floss your teeth on a regular basis will lead to accumulation of plaque on your teeth. The plaque can turn to tartar, a hard substance that could cause gum recession.

• Hormonal changes: Women mostly experience hormonal levels change during puberty, pregnancy and menopause.This can make your gums more sensitive and vulnerable to gum recession.

• Tobacco: Individuals who use tobacco have a sticky plaque on their teeth. The plaque is hard to remove and can cause gum recession.

• Grinding and clenching your teeth: this exerts so much force on your teeth that it may cause gums to recede.

• Piercing your lips or tongue: Jewelry rubs and irritates your gums until the gum tissue wears away.

Fortunately, you can grow back your gums through the use of the following 10 natural remedies:

Oil Pulling

Oil pulling is antibacterial and helps safeguard against disease-causing bacteria and germs. Likewise, it prevents food particles from sticking between your teeth. You can oil pull with sesame seed oil or coconut oil for 20 minutes, spit out before brushing your teeth as usual.

Activated Charcoal

Toxins released by the plaque bacteria that’s responsible for receding gum lines and gum disease adhere to the surface of the activated charcoal. Consequently, when you spit out the charcoal, you’re also removing the toxins.

Vitamin C

Rubbing vitamin C powder on the gums will help them recover. You should use it in form of calcium ascorbate so that it doesn’t sting when applied to the gums. Spread it on your gums and rinse after a couple of minutes.

Aloe Vera

With its incredible anti-inflammatory effects and repairing capabilities, aloe vera will help repair gum tissue, and avert infections, like the ones occasioned by bacteria that stick to the teeth. Consider using aloe vera gel as a mouthwash, or for brushing teeth.


By destroying bacteria and germs that live in your mouth, eucalyptus essential oil will protect you from oral disease and assist in reducing swelling in the gums. Mix 1-2 drops of eucalyptus essential oil with 1-2 tablespoons of water. Dip your toothbrush in the solution and brush. Then, wash your mouth with water. This remedy stimulates the growth of new gums, and averts receding gum lines altogether.

Green Tea

Green tea is packed with antioxidants, like catechins, which combat free radicals that are responsible for periodontal disease that normally leads to receding gums. You just need to drink a cup of green tea every day.


Mix powdered myrrh with some water to make a paste. Use the paste as treatment before you brush your teeth. Myrrh contains resin that prevents damage to the gums and mitigates gum line recession.

Clove Oil

Massage your gums with a mixture of coconut oil and 1-2 drops of clove oil. Do this 3 times per day to effectively improve the health of your gums. Clove oil kills bacteria and germs in your ,mouth and combats oral disease. Likewise, it minimizes gum swelling.

Hydrogen Peroxide

Composed of only oxygen and water, hydrogen peroxide is a germicidal agent that oxidizes and kills disease-causing organisms. Dilute 3% hydrogen peroxide in some water and use it as a mouthwash. You can also use it with baking soda as a toothpaste. Don’t swallow it.

Lemon Oil

Besides preventing gum disease, lemon also stimulates the growth of the gums. You should mix  juice of 1/2 a freshly-squeezed lemon with 1/4 cup of olive oil. Leave the mixture for 3-4 weeks, shaking the container everyday. Afterwards, massage your gums with the mixture for several minutes before brushing your teeth.